Dearborn Virtual K-12

District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

Grades, attendance, and student information system

Student Portal

Student links and resources.


Dearborn Summer School/Enrichment Program

We are excited to announce our Summer Enrichment Program for the 2022 school year. We have an amazing group of Educators who are thrilled to work with your child(ren) this summer. We are planning a fun, productive and rewarding experience for everyone! The program...

Town Hall Meetings

Hey Dearborn, share your thoughts!   There are three Town Hall Meetings scheduled for this week-  Tuesday, April 26 at 5 p.m. at Dearborn High in the cafeteriaWednesday, April 27 at 5 p.m. at Fordson High School in the cafeteriaThursday, April 28 at 6...

Open Skating at Little Caesars Arena

Next Wednesday, April 27th from 5pm-8pm the Red Wings are opening Little Caesars Arena for a Community Open Skate. The form is below for parents and families to register and please pass it along to students and...

Career Exploratory Summer Program Opportunity

Career Exploratory Summer Program Opportunity

Purpose:  To allow Dearborn Public schools students who will be in grades 6 through 12 in the fall of 2022 to explore the various Career  programs offered at MBCC  through a free Summer Career Exploration Seminar. Structure: This five-week, four day per...

March is Reading Month Winners

Our Dearborn Public Schools Virtual K-12 elementary students engaged in a reading contest during March is Reading Month. The winning classes were: 1st place Ms. Marano's Class 9,980 minutes 2nd place Ms. Roe's Class 8,653 minutes 3rd place Ms. Mroczka's Class 7,779...

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

School Contacts

Dearborn Public Schools Virtual K-12
Main number: 313-827-8405
Tech help 313-827-3075
Absences can be reported on parent connect, calling main office: you may leave a voicemail at any time. If you believe an absence was marked by mistake, please have your student email or talk with their teacher for that hour.

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