Dearborn Virtual K-12

District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

Grades, attendance, and student information system

Student Portal

Student links and resources.


Halloween Safety Virtual Parent Meeting

LAHC (Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities) will join us on October 18th at 4:30pm via zoom to discuss Halloween safety.  Please click here to join us. SAFETY FOCUSED VIRTUAL SESSION FOR PARENTS!OCTOBER, 18 4:30-5:30PMءًمسا ٥:٣٠-٤:٣٠ ,١٨ أكتوبرجلسة...

Seventh Grade Ancient Civilization Projects

In seventh grade social studies, we are focusing on the start of ancient civilizations. It all started with the agricultural revolution during the Neolithic period. Here are three different comic strip stories that will walk you through how the development of...

October 7th is a Half Day

Just a reminder that Friday, October 7th is a half day.   High School students will attend from 7:50-10:55am.   Students will attend hours 4th, 5th and 6th.   MIddle school students will attend an abbreviated schedule.  The schedule for...

Open House Presentations

Thank you parents for attending our open house. Please feel free to access the presentations. Elementary-Open-House-Parent-Meeting-VK12-2022-2023Download Virtual-K12-Middle-School-Open-HouseDownload 22-23-HS-Open-House-PowerpointDownload

Open House – September 7th

Dear Parents/Guardians, Dearborn Public Schools Virtual K-12  is hosting its Open House on Wednesday, September 7th from 6-7:30pm. This is an excellent opportunity for parents to meet their children’s teachers and ask any questions that they might have regarding...

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

School Contacts

Dearborn Public Schools Virtual K-12
Main number: 313-827-8405
Tech help 313-827-3075
Absences can be reported on parent connect, calling main office: you may leave a voicemail at any time. If you believe an absence was marked by mistake, please have your student email or talk with their teacher for that hour.

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