Dearborn Public Schools Virtual K-12 Expectations for Students
- Class participation, daily attendance for all synchronous lessons, and completion of assignments are expected of every student. This is a 100% virtual learning school.
- If you are caught up on all assignments and test you do not have to attend learning labs for that day. You may choose to do so.
- K-5 students are expected to attend synchronous sessions daily. 6-12 students are to attend Synchronous instruction and skip Asynchronous instruction if they are caught up and up to date.
- K-12 students must attend at least one learning lab each day. The learning lab expectation may be adjusted based on student performance.
- Student cameras MUST be on and the student’s face clearly visible during all synchronous and learning lab time.
- Students are expected to be ON TIME for synchronous lessons and learning labs.
- Students are expected to participate in learning and review assignments.
- Students are expected to adhere to the Dearborn Public Schools’ Code of Conduct during every class and activity.
- Students are expected to advocate for themselves with teachers.
- Students are expected to respond to communications from their teachers and email through the Learning Management System or student email account if they have questions.
- Students are expected to be respectful to themselves, fellow students and teacher(s).
- Students are expected to be honest and do their own work, cite sources and not plagiarize. Students caught cheating will be required to come IN-PERSON for all unit tests.
- Secondary dual enrollment students are expected to adhere to the college code of conduct and to follow the Dearborn Public Schools’ and the college’s academic calendar which are not the same.
- Students are required to take all Federal and State Mandated assessments in-person. (WIDA, MStep, PSAT)
- K-5 students will take the iReady assessment three times a year; in-person.
- 6th-8th grade students will take the iReady assessment twice a year; in person.
- 6th-12th grade students will come in person at the end of each quarter for exams (October, December, March and May/June.)
- Any student caught cheating on unit assessments will have to come in person all assessments
- Students may participate in band, sports and after school activities if requirements are met.
Dearborn Public Schools Virtual K-12 Parent Expectations
Success in school is always dependent upon the school, parents and students working together. Parents/guardians will need to support each child in developing work habits, completing assignments and advocating for support. Instructional staff will utilize all available communication and instructional tools to ensure student accessibility to learning.
- I will ensure my child attends daily with his/her camera on.
- I will reserve a space for my child to study and complete virtual schoolwork.
- I understand that I must have an email address that I check regularly.I will monitor my email for communications from my child’s teachers and respond in a timely manner
- I will review the work assigned to my child.
- I will talk to my child about his/her work every day.
- I will contact my child’s teacher(s) if additional support is needed.
- I will contact my child’s teacher(s) if my child needs social emotional support.
- I will contact my child’s principal if I have concerns that have not been resolved.
- I will notify my child’s school when he/she will be absent.
- I will communicate with the teachers regarding any hardships my child or my family is facing.
- I will monitor my child’s assessment results and/or summative assignments to help ensure that they are solving their individual work.
المدرسة الافتراضية مدارس ديربورن الرسمية
المتوقع من أولياء أمور طلاب المدرسة الإفتراضية للعام الدراسي –
يعتمد النجاح في المدرسة دائمًا على عمل المدرسة وأولياء الأمور والطلاب معًا. يحتاج الآباء / الأوصياء إلى دعم كل طفل في تطوير عادات العمل الجيدة ، واستكمال المهام والواجبات الدراسية والدعوة إلى طلب المساعدة والدعم. سيستخدم طاقم التدريس جميع وسائل التواصل والأدوات التعليمية المتاحة لضمان حصول الطلاب على التعلم المطلوب.
- سوف أحرص على حضور طفلي اليومي و على تشغيل الكاميرا بشكل دائم.
- سأوفر لطفلي مكان مناسب للدراسة وإكمال أعمال التعلم عن بعد.
- أدرك أنه يجب أن يكون لدي عنوان بريد إلكتروني فعال يمكنني تفقده باستمرار، وسأراقب بريدي الإلكتروني للتواصل من معلمي طفلي والرد في الوقت المناسب.
- سأقوم بمراجعة العمل المخصص لطفلي.
- سأتحدث مع طفلي عن عمله / عملها كل يوم.
- سأتصل بمعلم (معلمي) طفلي إذا لزم الأمر للدعم الإضافي.
- سأتصل بمعلم (معلمي) طفلي إذا كان طفلي بحاجة إلى دعم عاطفي اجتماعي.
- سأتصل بمدير طفلي إذا كانت لدي مخاوف لم يتم حلها.
- سأبلغ معلم طفلي إذا كانت الأسرة تواجه أي مشقة تمنع طفلي من الانخراط في التعلم.
- سأتواصل مع المعلمين حول أي صعوبات يواجهها طفلي أو عائلتي.
- سوف أراقب تقييمات أطفالي و / أو واجباتي التلخيصية للمساعدة على التأكد من قيامهم بالعمل بشكل فردي.
أفهم التوقعات المذكورة أعلاه وأوافق على دعم طفلي والقيام بالمسؤوليات التي حددها القطاع التعليمي.