Dearborn Virtual K-12


Report Cards in the Mail

Report Cards in the Mail

Most report cards have been mailed. However, you can access your child's report card in parent connect. Parents and Students - When parents or students click on the link, it will open or download a pdf copy of the report card     

Snow Day Recommendations

We have received many emails about the district being closed on February 2nd and 3rd for snow days.  Yes, this also means our virtual students get to enjoy snow days and our virtual classes are cancelled.  However, if you are missing any assignments, this is...

Second Semester Expectations Reminder

Please review the DPS Virtual K-12 Expectations, as we want to ensure a successful transition into second semester for everyone. Second Semester Expectations Second Semester Expectations (Arabic)

DCMST taking applications from 8th graders for next school year

Dearborn Schools residents – know a smart eighth grader who is ready to be challenged academically in high school? The Dearborn Center for Math, Science, and Technology (DCMST) is now accepting applications!  There will be an informational meeting via Zoom for...

Isolation, quarantine and close contact updates

At the direction of the Wayne County Health Department, Dearborn Public Schools has updated its guidelines for quarantines, isolation and close contact notifications.Those who are quarantining or isolating due to COVID can now return as early as Day 6 under certain...