Dearborn Virtual K-12


Semester 2 transfer information

In an effort to meet the needs of our families, Dearborn Public Schools will conduct an open enrollment/transfer window for families wishing to return their children to in-person learning OR enroll in Dearborn Public Schools Virtual K-12 for the second semester of the...

Semester 2 2025 Enrollment

Dearborn Public Schools Virtual K-12 is offered entirely online. Instruction, tutoring and most testing all take place using online tools.  Students attend a combination of synchronous and asynchronous sessions each day.  To be successful in virtual learning, students...

Volunteers sought for possible Book Reconsideration committees

As it does annually now, Dearborn Public Schools is taking applications from parents, staff, community members and high school students interested in serving on a Book Reconsideration Committee. Those volunteering to serve on a committee are agreeing to read a school...

College and career fair for high school students on Oct. 15

College and career fair for high school students on Oct. 15

High school students from across the district are invited to a College and Career Fair on Oct. 15, 2024 at Edsel Ford High School. The event will run from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. Students are encouraged to come and learn more about different options after...

2024-2025 School Year-Welcome Virtual K12 Students & Families!

2024-2025 School Year-Welcome Virtual K12 Students & Families!

We are thrilled to welcome back our teachers and staff to our Virtual K12 school! The first day of school is a Half Day on Monday 8/26/2024. 2024-2025 School Year Calendar 2024-25 Conferences and Marking Periods MS/HS Bell Schedule Elementary Bell...

Virtual K-12 taking out-of-district applications through Aug. 26

Virtual K-12 taking out-of-district applications through Aug. 26

Dearborn Schools Virtual K-12 is taking applications from out-of-district students in first grade through high school through Aug. 26. Students still must live in Wayne County, and parents need to know they will be expected to come to Dearborn periodically to pick up...

Summer office hours

Our office at Long elementary is under construction and building is closed. Our Secretary is working summer hours from the administration office mainly Tuesdays and Wednesdays 7-3;30. Phones have been transferred there. You are welcome to call and leave a voicemail or...

Look at our art gallery

Our students learn art in the remote environment and create amazing pieces. Click here to view our gallery.