Dearborn Virtual K-12

Shannon Peterson

DPS Virtual K-12 Has Amazing Artists in the City Wide Art Show

DPS Virtual K-12 Has Amazing Artists in the City Wide Art Show

DPS Virtual K-12 students shined in the City Wide Art Show. Two senior artists shined along with a first grader who earned a Juror's choice award and 7th grader who had her art featured on the post card. We are so proud of all of our artists. Click here to access the...

Art on Display

Art on Display

Elissa, 9th grader, has her art on display in the Board Room.

Student Created Newsletter for January

Under the direction of Ms. Abdulla, our journalism club continues to create. JanuaryNewsletterp.1Download JanuaryNewsletterp.2Download JanuaryNewsletterp.3Download

High School Student Finals

First semester final exams will take place January 18th, 19th and 20th.   As stated in the DPS Virtual K-12 student expectations, students MUST take all Federal and State required assessments in person. High school students must take final exams in person. ...

City Beautiful Commissioners

City Beautiful Commissioners

Our City Beautiful Commissioners are tenth grade students Abrar and Hassan. They intend to lead the DPS Virtual students with an educational project focused on the benefit of rain gardens and recycling to our community.

Student Created Newsletter – Virtual View

Check out our student created newsletter. Our team of high school and middle school students, under the direction of Ms. Abdulla, have created our newsletter. November-Virtual-ViewDownload